Welcome !!!
2 Runways 5 and 6 thousand ft long
260 thousand square ft ramp
Competitive prices
Secure refueling process
VOR Approaches
6 FBO4s
Friendly authorities
Security 24/7
Competitive prices
Secure refueling
Single point refueling
3 Fueling Truck for Jetfuel
2 Fueling Truck for AvGas
7 days a week service
All major credit card accepted
Leadership Nationwide
46,500 operations 2019
Trained and certified personal
Exclusive For Executive and corporate Aviation
No Schedule operations
State of the art navigation equipment
Military personal
Certified security guards
Close circuit cameras
Access control
Corporate boardroom
Air Conditioning
Free WiFi
Pilot shop and ATM
Resting areas for pilots
Vending machines
Executive Taxi
3 Restaurants within 1 mile
Rest. Areas Indoor and Outdoor
Resting areas
Free access to internet
Relaxing spaces
Panoramic view